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Junior School

Opportunity, Confidence & Growth

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Yr 6 Young Sports Leaders

Part of our commitment to PE and Sport is to allow as many children as possible the opportunity to volunteer in a sports and exercise setting.


Our Young Sports Leaders in Year 6 currently do this in a range of ways including: running of sports festivals for younger children: tidying, auditing and organising kits and equipment; organising and monitoring the calendar of competitions and events available to our children and volunteering their lunchtimes to make our playground one of bustling activity.


In addition to our extensive adventure playground and outdoor fitness area, we have daily inter form competitions on the astro turf, basketball for the year 6 children, and play for the rest of the school on the playground, we also have the young sports leaders running an "active challenge zone" for the whole school to try and achieve the fortnightly active challenge and the "quiet area in which there are numerous small games and active games offered in addition to giant chess and connect four.


Our Young Sports Leaders (a team of over 60 in total) are greatly valued by us and really enhance lunchtimes for our children.
