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School Development Priorities for 2024-25

Dear Parents and Carers,

Last year, as part of our commitment to working together with parents and carers, we shared with you the key features of the annual School Development Plan. To continue strengthening our partnership, I am writing to let you know about our priorities for 2024-25.


By way of background, for those families who are new to the school, each school leadership team (Headteacher and Senior Leaders from within the school) are required to put in place a plan that will inform their work during each school year. This plan is based on evidence from a wide range of sources that include: our own monitoring of children’s learning (their books, their lessons, their views about their learning); achievement both academically and in other areas; Key Stage 2 results; the views of children, staff and parents on all aspects of the school and the findings of external review bodies such as OFSTED and the Local Authority.


Our main priorities for 2023/24 have been evaluated and the successful outcomes of the work of all the staff, the children and their families and our governors have been used (alongside a wide range of evidence sources as detailed above) to identify the priorities for the current academic year. 




Priority 1:  MATHS – to raise the attainment outcomes for children in Mathematics in each cohort

Priority 2: WRITING – to further improve teachers' knowledge of the end of year expectations for writing in order to increase the number of children in each cohort reaching the expected standard

Priority 3:  TEACHING & LEARNING – to give a greater emphasis on stretch and challenge in lessons

Priority 4:  SEND – to develop even better communication between class teachers and support staff to ensure the best outcomes for children with SEND

Priority 5: PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT - to provide more opportunities to engage with parents/carers about the curriculum, what is being taught in school and how they can support their child’s learning at home


I trust that this brief overview of the School’s Development Plan for the coming academic year has been helpful. We look forward to continuing to work closely with you all.
