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Junior School

Opportunity, Confidence & Growth

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Reporting to parents/carers



Autumn Term

Parents’ consultation meeting

Termly progress report

Spring Term

Parents’ consultation meeting

Termly progress report

Summer Term

End of term report



Autumn Term

In the Autumn Term we have a Parents’ consultation evening where parents/carers can meet their child’s class teacher to discuss how they have settled into their new class and share expectations for the year. 

We also send home a termly progress report at the end of the term, which gives parents/carers information about attendance and punctuality, assessment results, and a general overview of their personal, social and learning skills.  The report also includes 2 targets to work towards in the Spring Term.


Spring Term

In the Spring Term we hold another parents’ evening where parents/carers can discuss in more detail your child’s learning and progress. Parents can also have the option of meeting their child’s Maths set teacher.

We also send home a termly progress report at the end of the term, which gives parents/carers information about attendance and punctuality, assessment results, and a general overview of their personal, social and learning skills.  The report also includes 2 targets to work towards in the Summer Term.


Summer Term

At the end of the Summer Term, we send home a final End of Year report, which includes end of year assessment data, and more details about your child'sr overall attitudes to learning and progress.  Parents/carers are welcome to make an appointment should they wish to discuss the report.


In addition to this, we also have an ‘open door policy’ and parents/carers are welcome to arrange an appointment with their class teacher at any time.
