Yr 5 Playground Pals
At Whiteheath Junior School we promote happy, positive and safe playtimes and lunchtimes. Playground Pals have an active role in this. Playground Pals are a group of Year 5 students who aim to promote happy and fun break times for all.
Playground Pals are there to:
Encourage new friendships
Give children the opportunity to play a variety of games
Be there to give children support in solving minor conflict
Be a friend to all
To role model positive play
Support children should they feel lonely
These are the Playground Pals for Autumn 2024:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Bea Ruby H Oliver Rares Eve Julia Ishaani Ayona Isiak Anaya Evelyn Poppy Sadaf
| Jacob Chloe M Sadaf Isiak Thomas | Ivy Dua Annie Julia Ayona Vivien Ava | Rares Oliver Dua Eve Chloe M Eliot Poppy Evelyn Bea Ruby Thomas Saneesh Ilyas Shannon | Evelyn Anaya Annie Sadaf Ayona Julia Ishaani Saneesh Ivy Vivien Chloe E Eliot Shannon |