Religious Education
Religious Education at Whiteheath Junior School has an important role for the development of pupils’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural knowledge and skills.
The R.E curriculum has two significant learning targets to allow children to learn about, but also learn from different religions, beliefs, values and traditions while exploring own beliefs and questions of meaning. Our RE curriculum follows the guidance set out by the Hillingdon SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education). The Hillingdon Religious Education Syllabus can be found here.
We promote and develop pupil’s mutual respect and tolerance of each other and towards different cultures, beliefs and values celebrated in today’s diverse society. We teach according to Hillingdon Agreed Syllabus.
We organise visitors and visits to places of worship to develop understanding of different faiths within our community. The experiences enhance our children’s learning. Some of our topics are non-religious for example, Right and Wrong, Inspirational People, Poverty and Justice and Race and Diversity which encompasses a balanced and diverse curriculum where British values are promoted.