Music is a universal language that allows pupils to develop their creativity and communicate their ideas in an inspiring way. Music is a valuable form of communication that is accessible for all and also provides children with an opportunity to work collaboratively on a shared vision.
At Whiteheath Junior School, we aim to provide a music curriculum that not only develops our pupils’ knowledge and musical skills but also encourages them to develop a love of music, increase their confidence and realise their own musical potential. Throughout their time at Whiteheath Junior School, the pupils should build on their progress from Key Stage 1, developing skills in the key areas of music: singing, playing, composing and improvisation.
Whilst pupils develop key musical skills within their lessons, they are also able to develop their musicality through weekly singing assemblies, in which children work on singing with an awareness of pitch and tempo and explore a range of musical techniques such as ostinato.
We are fortunate at Whiteheath to be able to offer a range of peripatetic and music clubs. Many of our talented musicians are given the opportunity to join the school orchestra and experience playing in an ensemble for the first time. Instrumentalists are also able to take part in termly concerts, gaining performing experience. Our choir is also well attended and enjoy singing at a range of events outside school across the year.