School Day
The school gate opens at 8:30am for the children. Parents usually drop their child off at the main gate, where there will always be an adult present to welcome the children, and then they wait on the playground with their friends. The playground is supervised from 8:30am. The daily mile takes place 4 days of the week before school. The bell is rung at 8:50am and the gate is locked. The register is taken at 8.55am. Lessons begin promptly at 9:00am.
The adventure playground is strictly out of bounds before and after school for Health and Safety reasons. No ball games allowed before or after school.
Register 8:50 - 9am
Lessons 1 and 2 9am - 10:30am
Playtime 10:30am - 10:45am.
Lesson 3 (Year 3 & 4) 10:45am - 11:55am
Lesson 3 (Year 5 &6) 10:45am - 12:10pm
Lunch (Year 3 & 4) 11:55am until 1pm
Lunch (Year 5 & 6) 12:10pm - 1:15pm
Assembly/singing 1:30pm - 1:50pm
Lessons 1:50pm - 3:30pm
We have whole school assemblies on a Monday and Thursday, a year group singing practice on a Tuesday (Year 3 & 4) or Wednesday (Year 5 & 6) afternoon and the Headteacher's weekly merit/celebration assembly on Friday afternoon.
The school day ends at 3.30pm every day.
The total number of school hours each day (8:50am - 3:30pm) is 6 hours and 40 minutes. The total number of school hours each week is 33.33 (33 hours and 20 minutes).
At the end of the school day, we allow all parents/ carers onto the school premises to collect the children. However, parents/carers of children in any year group may collect from the main gate if they wish. A member of staff will be on duty in the playground and on the main gate at the end of the day.
Please collect your child promptly.
If your child is late for school in the morning (after registration time), you must enter the school via the Reception/Office at the front of the school and register your child as late.