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Physical Education

PE at Whiteheath Junior School


All children receive two PE lessons each week. They are taught as a whole class group by their class teachers. Our PE lessons provide a comprehensive coverage of the skills and knowledge that children need to ensure the full coverage of the National Curriculum.


Our extensive facilities and grounds enable our children to develop a love for exercise and physical activity. With a large field, an indoor sports hall, an Astroturf pitch, two adventure playgrounds, an outdoor gym, two netball courts, a basketball court and various playground markings, our children are never short of space to take part in PE lessons. This spaces enables several classes to take part in PE lessons at the same time, ensuring we keep two hours of PE on our timetable for each class.


As well as PE lessons, Whiteheath has a very packed timetable of early morning, lunchtime and after school sports clubs. Staff provide all children with the opportunity to participate in “the daily mile” and we enter a multitude of competitions for multiple teams throughout the year. Whenever possible, we match the number of children wanting to participate in competitions to the number of teams we enter in to competitions, enabling a very large number of our children to represent the school.


The Intent

  • To give pupils the chance to explore a range of different sports and activities before school, at lunchtimes and after school.
  • To provide a PE curriculum that supports children in developing their knowledge and skills of different sports ( in particular swimming, dance and gymnastics) whilst providing an element of challenge where it is needed.
  • To help develop children’s confidence in PE and their understanding of how to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • To develop values such as leadership, resilience, teamwork, determination, respect and self-belief which they can transfer to other subjects in the curriculum.
  • To allow children in our school opportunities to represent our school in a variety of competitive events. 



In order to achieve this:

  • Use sports premium to provide specialist teaching and support from our qualified sports coaches in weekly lessons, team training and competitions.
  • Keep updating our curriculum in order to provide a varied range of sports which expose children to different skills, game play and rules.
  • Engage in regular, subject specific assessments that allow teachers to adapt activities to best suit the children they are teaching.
  • Demonstrate good use of the lesson structure set by the school so that children get a chance to recall previous learning, learn and then apply new skills.
  • Make sure knowledge and skills are  build upon in different sports year on year.
  • Deliver meaningful CPD to teachers in areas that they need it. 


The Impact

  • Confident teachers delivering high quality PE lessons that engage the children and develop their knowledge and skills.
  • Children’s vocabulary surrounding sport is built upon year on year.
  • Activities during weekly lessons are tailored specifically to the diverse needs of children in each class.
  • Many children obtain the chance to represent the school in a variety of sports competitions throughout the school year.
  • Children are aware of how they can take responsibility for their own health, fitness and wellbeing. 



Please visit our Video Gallery to see how amazing our Sports Week was in May 2024:
