We are a local authority community school. All admissions are administered by London Borough of Hillingdon. Contact details are listed below. If you do not live in Hillingdon, you can apply via Hillingdon or your local authority.
4E/09 Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW
If your child is due to start secondary school in September 2025, click the link below for more information on the application process:
Please follow this link for the Hillingdon in-year admission application form:
Visits and Tours for In Year Admissions (Years 3-6)
Please contact the school office about arranging a visit if you are considering moving your child to Whiteheath Junior School.
School Office Phone number – 01895 634964
If it is not possible to accommodate your request, you will be invited to make an induction visit once your child has enrolled with us.
Determined Admissions Arrangements
Please find attached a copy of Hillingdon Community Schools Determined Admissions Arrangements for 2024-25.
Admission Appeals
Please find below a link to the local authority's page on admission appeals: