Ofsted stands for the Office for Standards in Education. Ofsted is the official body for inspecting schools. The most recent Ofsted Inspection for Whiteheath Junior School took place in July 2024, which was an 'ungraded inspection' which means that the grade cannot be changed from the graded inspection in 2018. However the inspection outcome report confirmed that was if it was graded, the evidence gathered suggested it would have been outstanding. We are so proud that the work of the school and that our achievements have been recognised.
Ofsted also left us with no ‘areas for improvement’.
This is a huge achievement for everyone! We are thrilled that the report recognises the many strengths we are most proud of and also talks about our fabulous children, ‘Pupils are happy, resilient, and eager to learn’.
We are particularly delighted that it has been reported that ‘Pupils, staff and parents and carers are very proud of their school. Relationships between staff and pupils are respectful. This results in a harmonious learning environment in which pupils’ well-being flourishes. Behaviour is exemplary across the school. Pupils feel cared for and safe and know that if they have concerns or worries an adult will listen to them.’
Other stand out comments include:
‘The school promotes pupils’ wider development exceptionally well.’
‘The school has embedded an ambitious and rich curriculum.’
‘The school has the highest expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). As a result, pupils achieve exceptionally well in their learning.’
As always, we will continue to build on these strengths in order to ensure all of our children are supported to achieve their full potential and to enjoy their time and experiences with us. As the report states, ‘leaders have established a high achieving, inclusive and welcoming school community’ and we will continue to do our best for your children.
Please visit the Ofsted website for further information on school inspections. The Ofsted website also provides links to school reports and official publications as well as a frequently asked questions and contact details. www.ofsted.gov.uk.