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Junior School

Opportunity, Confidence & Growth

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Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Rationale


The provision of an exciting curriculum is pivotal to how children learn and develop during their time at school. At Whiteheath, we provide our children with opportunities to become happy and confident lifelong learners. We recognise that every child is unique and we celebrate differences within our school community.


We are proud to provide a superb range of extra-curricular opportunities that enhance learning and build confidence. We believe that a child’s time at school should allow them to understand, create and enjoy.


We help children to become responsible and motivated learners who embrace challenges and strive for success while supporting their emotional well-being.   


Community involvement is an important part of our curriculum. We encourage our children to be kind and caring citizens who engage with the local community and have a good understanding of the wider world. 


Curriculum Design Aims


Our school curriculum is designed for Whiteheath children and aims to:

  • build upon children’s prior learning;
  • be skills based and develop deep understanding;
  • provide first hand learning experiences;
  • have opportunities for collaborative learning;
  • challenge, make children think and develop resilience;
  • engage minds and foster creativity;
  • link with other subjects;
  • be fully inclusive.


More information about the delivery of our curriculum can be found in our Curriculum Policy. 

Curriculum Maps

Our curriculum maps provide an overview of the curriculum for each year group for each term.


On the curriculum map pages, we have included key vocabulary lists for topics being taught that term so you can support your child at home. 

The foundation subject topic overview (below) details which units are taught in each year group within the foundation subjects from Years 3 - 6. 

For further guidance please look at our subject pages which give more detail regarding our approach to teaching the specific subjects within the curriculum.  The link below is a guide for parents on the National Curriculum.
