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End of Year 6 Expectations

Historical Knowledge – Sequencing the past

  • Will be able sequence, with independence, many of the significant events, societies and people within and across the UKS2 topics covered using appropriate dates, period labels and terms.
  • Can accurately identify links between this sequence and the events of other periods studied.


History Concepts: Cause and Effect

  • Can independently provide a comprehensive list of valid detailed reasons why events took place and the effects of those events.
  • Will order these causes and/or effects into a hierarchy of significance and will comment insightfully on why they have selected this order.
  • Will make a number of valid links between why certain events occurred in the period studied and events taking place in other periods or locations, or note how effects of events could be similar.
  • May be able to identify some of the causes as long or short-term triggers and how some effects can be immediate and others long term


Historical Concepts – Changes and developments over time

  • Can confidently explain the reasons why particular aspects of a historical event, development, society or person were of particular significance.
  • Can introduce a hierarchy of importance and explain while some aspects continue to be relevant, others may be dismissed as no longer being relevant and not having long term significance.
  • Can confidently and independently identify the different interpretations in a range of topics Can give a range of valid reasons for the different interpretations in a range of topics,
  • To demonstrate insight into why some aspects of the interpretation may be the same.
  • Will make reference to the differing types of representation.


History Concepts: Significance and Interpretations

  • Can confidently explain the reasons why particular aspects of a historical event, development, society or person were of particular significance.
  • Can introduce a hierarchy of importance and explain while some aspects continue to be relevant, others may be dismissed as no longer being relevant and not having long term significance.
  • Can confidently and independently identify the different interpretations in a range of topics Can give a range of valid reasons for the different interpretations in a range of topics,
  • To demonstrate insight into why some aspects of the interpretation may be the same.
  • Will make reference to the differing types of representation.


Historical Enquiry: Planning and Carrying out a Historical Enquiry

  • Can independently plan and produce quality, detailed responses to a wide range of historical enquiries.
  • Will refer to appropriate evidence from a wide range of complex, varied sources studied within the sessions and also from their own research to produce a structured argument to answer the sub-question and build towards reaching an overall conclusion.
  • Will reach a valid overall conclusion.
  • Will confidently use a broad range of challenging, relevant historical terms throughout.
  • Will critically evaluate their enquiry and consider ways in which it could be improved or developed.


Historical Enquiry: Using Sources as Evidence

  • Can comment with confidence on the value of a range of different types of sources for enquiries, including extended enquiries
  • Will explain confidently why they have made that selection, referring to both utility and reliability and considering the purpose, audience, accuracy and how the source was compiled.