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Junior School

Opportunity, Confidence & Growth

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School Uniform


We encourage our children to wear school uniform as it removes competition about what to wear, it reminds the children that they are dressed for school (work), and it gives our children an identity and pride in their school. 

  • Cardigan or V-necked pullover – bottle green (with or without school logo)
  • Grey tunic or skirt or trousers
  • White shirt with tie (not white polo shirt)
  • Black shoes for ordinary wear (no black trainers or boots)
  • White/grey/green socks
  • Black/grey/green tights for the winter
  • Grey culottes


Optional summer uniform

  • Summer dress - any style in green and white check
  • Grey shorts
  • Short sleeved white shirt with tie


PE kit

  • White T-shirts or school PE polo shirt (with or without school logo)
  • Black shorts
  • Plimsolls and trainers
  • For Games lessons outside, particularly in winter, children should be well wrapped up and tracksuits (with or without school logos) can be worn. Children who play football are expected to wear football boots.
  • PE bags in their house colour


PE kits should be in school every day.


Additional Information

For health and safety reasons, long hair must be completely tied up.  Small green/black/white/grey bows may be worn.

No razor lines in hair. 

Children are allowed to wear a traditional wrist watch (no smart watches).  Rings in pierced ears are dangerous - if your child has pierced ears, please wear the small stud type earring only.  All watches and studded earrings must be removed for PE lessons, however, they will not be looked after by the teacher. 

Children may change into their trainers at lunchtime so it is beneficial to have them in school every day. 

No rucksacks are allowed in school due to lack of space in the school.


Uniform can be purchased online from 

Login: whiteheath

Password: junior

School deliveries are on Thursdays - the deadline for orders is Sunday evening. 


School uniform can also be acquired second-hand. If you would like to obtain a second-hand uniform, please contact (in confidence) our Pastoral and Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Ventin. Her email address is or she is contactable in person via the school office (working days Tues-Thurs).



Following a couple of parents coming forward to donate used and in good condition uniform, we have been have organised a way for you to buy and sell used Whiteheath Uniform. We are registered on a second uniform site 

This is a second hand uniform site where you can buy and sell your preloved Whiteheath Junior School uniform and PE kit.  We encourage parents to make use of this website as it is a great way to either sell or purchase preloved items, and it prevents good items of Whiteheath uniform going into landfill.

Please note that this is an independent online platform for you to buy / sell uniform items and the school is not involved in any transactions made.


It is really simple.  All you need to do is register on this website​, create your own accounts and make payments if buying and arrange the item handover arrangements.
