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Junior School

Opportunity, Confidence & Growth

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Contact Details

Whiteheath Junior School

Whiteheath Avenue



01895 634964


General Enquiries

If you would like to make a general enquiry to the school, please contact Mrs Stonehouse or Miss Aistrop in the school office, by telephone or email.


Enquiries about your child's learning

If you are a parent/carer and you have any queries/issues regarding your child's learning, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance via your child's home link book, class e-mail address or via the school office.   Thank you.


Enquiries about Special Education Needs

If you would like to contact our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo), Mrs Manfredi - please contact her either via the school office or via email


Contact about any safeguarding issues

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are the Headteacher, Ms Kenny (Head Teacher) and Mrs Ventin (DSL and Pastoral Lead).  The Deputy Safeguarding Lead (DDSLs) is Miss Wells (Deputy Headteacher). The governor responsible for Safeguarding is Ali Percy (Chair of Governors). 


Any parent or carer who has concerns about the safety of a child is encouraged to discuss their concern with one of the above named adults or you can email the school on this email address, which is only accessible by the Safeguarding Leads  - You are also encouraged to use this email should you have any concerns about your own safety and would like some help.  You can also contact Stronger Families Hub on 01895 556006.


If you require a paper copy of the information contained on the school's website, please contact the school office.


Contact Form
